Commercial Coronavirus Disinfection & Cleaning Services in Amman, Jordan
Residential Coronavirus Cleaning & Disinfection Services in Amman, Jordan
* We provide sterilization and disinfection services from COVID-19 virus and other viruses or pathogens in general.
Our process consists of special sterilization materials of high quality used in hospital sterilization and wherever there is a risk of transmission of infection. The products are of British origin, approved by the Food and Drug Foundation, and components for it have been made in the Royal Scientific Competitiveness. The products have proven to be effective in eliminating the virus. sterilization happens with the use of in the ULV in the locations and circumstances of desert, cold and fog. The ultrafine spray can reach the smallest details leave no impact or defects on furnishings or the surfaces of places being sterilized. It can be used for sterilization before and after quarantine in a closed area. Sterilization is under highly trained professionals.
For reservations and inquiries 0799902727
للاستفسار عن هذا العرض وصلاحيته تواصل مع المعلن مباشرة عن طريق الرسائل الخاصه او الاتصال بالهاتف تتم العمليات التجارية بدون اي تدخل او مسؤولية من الموقع مطلقاً